Tuesday, October 23, 2007

'Tis the Season...

I'm a huge fan of horror movies, and one of my favorites series is Halloween. The series has its own website which can be found here. There's really no reason to visit this site unless you're an uber-fan like I am, but its great for fans like myself. Bonus features, clips of the month, insider news, message board, etc., it really is a haven for Halloween fandom. Anyways...I really like the design and functionality of the site.

Each page has a center dial, of sorts, which displays the navigation of the site. Clicking "movies" will bring you to another dial-like nav displaying links to individual sites for each movie or sequel. The other pages also follow suit. The black background and orange font work (obviously), and along with silver text for the nav, its always easy to read and follow.

The only problem I have with the site is that as you browse, the huge "Halloween Movies" logo at the top does not bring you back to Home. There is a (too) small button on the bottom of each page that says "Home". I always forget its there, and even knowing that I have to find it to go home, I always click the huge logo on the top multiple times.

Overall though, I'd say the Halloween site isn't the best I've ever seen, but it's good enough to get this Halloween junkie his Michael Myers fix.


vague conceptions said...

If you love horror movies, check out my best friend's blog. http://horror-movie-a-day.blogspot.com/. It's at least good for a chuckle!

Anonymous said...

oh sweet, I'll do that, thanks!