Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chapter 2: Optimizing the User Experience

- Information on the web should be displayed in a directly usable format and content should be well organized
- Should be consistent with how the user uses the page
- Do not overload the reader with information
-No pop ups- they are annoying and distracting

-Credibility- Should have a frequently asked questions
-site looks well designed
-up to date

-Task sequences
-Allow users to do tasks in the same order across simalar conditions.
(ex: search and checkout processes)
-Reduce Workload
-Let the computer do the work (like remembering things for you)

-Minimize download time
-Not too many pictures/graphics

-Reading vs Printing
-Prepare info with the with the expectation that it will be both read and printed

-When users have to wait
-Let them know how long the download is going to take

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