Monday, April 28, 2008

Chapter 13 Part 1

Chapter 13: Screen-Based Controls (Widgets)

The main focus of this chapter was on usability of widgets such as pushbuttons, radio buttons, check boxes, drop-down lists, and entry fields.

1. Distinguish Required and Optional Data Entry Fields
-Users should be able to be able to clearly distinguish optional information from required data.

2. Label Data Entry Fields Consistently
- Data entry fields should be labeled consistently so that the same data items is given the same label if it appears on different pages
- if users are familiar with your sites format they are able to navigate with more ease.
- For example, don't sing words or phrases for some labels and short sentence for others.

3. Do Not Make User-Centered Codes Case Sensitive
- Only use Case sensitive if there is a good reason such as a password
- Clearly state to users when using case sensitive codes

4. Label Pushbuttons Clearly
- Pushbuttons should be labeled with exact action to be taken
- Users should know what they are doing

5. label Data Entry Fields Clearly
- Use descriptive labels that let users know exactly what is required in the data field.

6. Minimize User Data Entry
- Do not require users to enter the same information more than once.
- This eliminates one more task for the users do not need to complete.

7. Put Labels Close to Data Entry Fields
- All labels and related information should be close to the data entry field to enable users to easily relate the label and entries required.

8. Allow Users to See Their Entered Data
- This allows users to see if any errors were made and gives them a chance to correct them.
- Designers should also be aware of the length of data entry fields.

9. Use Radio Buttons for Mutually Exclusive Selections
- Radio buttons elicit reliably better performance than drop-down lists.

10. Use Familiar Widgets
- Use widgets that are familiar to your users and in a commonly used manner
- Do not make the mistake of assuming all users are familiar with all widgets
- Perform usability tests to ensure that users will be able to use the widgets on your site.

11. Anticipate Typical Users Errors
- Provide a message when a user makes a mistake and offer a solution or suggestion.

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