Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chapter 13 Part 2

Chapter 13 dealt with Widgets.  This section primarily deals with data entry fields and how to make them not seem like a pain in the users' butt. Here is my recap for future reference.

- Should always partition long data items into shorter sections to help users detect errors. It is easier to see a 10-digit phone number when it is broken up into 3 sections.
- Keep design of data entries consistent instead of requiring users to go back and forth between keyboard and mouse entry. It will slow them down.
- Prioritize push buttons by location and highlighting. Place the most frequently used push button first in a sequence, or on the left since that is the way users read. Also make the more frequent button the default action when users press enter. i.e. Search button.
- Check box control is the most preferred system when users are allowed to choose multiple selections from a list.
- Be sure to label the desired measurement units, such as pounds, ounces or minutes, rather than having users type them in and increase speed of the data entry process.
- When using open lists show as many options as possible to reduce scrolling.
- Display default values for such things as quantity (1) where default values will be defined.
- Place a blinking cursor automatically at the beginning of the first data entry field. Users should not be required to click on the mouse button to activate the field.
- Make sure that double-clicking won’t cause unnecessary problems. For example, most people tend to double-click a link when only one click is necessary and designers have no control over that. But they do have control over what happens. In order to not confuse the users double-clicking should bring users to the same page as if they would single click the same thing.
- Use open lists instead of drop down menus when choosing one out of many. This will save time and reduce scrolling.
- Text entry fields, or data entry fields, are proven to speed up user performance compared to selecting the information from list format.
- Use at least two radio buttons, or option buttons, together. If users choose not to activate any of the radio buttons, make sure to provide a choice labeled “None”
- Provide auto-tabbing for advanced Web users to significantly reduce data entry times.

The overall concept of this chapter is to design data entry interfaces that require the least amount of time required by the user. Also keep it simple so you don’t confuse the user. SAVE TIME AND DON’T CONFUSE THE USER!

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