Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Flash / HTML experiment

The article Flash or Not to Flash was interesting: the idea that different demographics responded to different formats should not have surprised me, but it did. But I found the article rather distracting in that I had already read how other people responded to the versions of the site in question - the Renaissance site. Thus when I went to the site, all my thoughts went back to the readings, and clouded my personal reaction to the site. Ironically enough, while Googling potential project ideas for another class, I stumbled across a site with both a Flash and HTML entrance, and thought maybe others might want to check them out without a biased context. The site is for Reality Check, an organization of New York teenagers who are against Big Tobacco targeting youth. Should you choose to check them out, let me know which you preferred. Please.

1 comment:

Jon Richichi said...

Maybe I'm one of the few but I prefer Flash far mroe than HTML. From a designer standpoint, HTML is probably easier to use than Flash but from a user standpoint, with the right computer and access, Flash is much more animated and appealing to the eye. I'm with the middle schoolers!