Friday, November 14, 2008


Ever since last Saturdays class I want to animate everything I do. When I got home from class on Saturday, I immediately showed everyone who would pay attention what I had learned. I am somewhat concerned that my entire final will be animation overload, I will however try not to do so, for that sake of viewers. The point here is that animation is really cool. I have a three year old niece who watches every Disney Pixar film available probably every time she sits down to watch a movie. Nemo is one of my all time favorites. I also love the Bee Movie and Wall-E. All of these movies are animation overload which makes them so much fun to watch. Animation has been around for quite some time, however, has really stepped it up a notch in terms of the films we see today. In terms of animation, it actually goes back to much earlier examples. An early example of attempts to capture motion drawing was paleolithic cave paintings. Animation goes back as early as cave paintings, that is pretty cool stuff. 

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