Thursday, December 10, 2009

NFL Uniforms

This post won’t have any type of tutorial for a change… I know, pretty strange for me. Anyway, I was watching some football on Sunday with my Grandma (because I’m cool like that), and the Carolina Panthers/Tampa Bay Buccaneers game was on. My Grandma asked me who I was rooting for, and I said the Panthers. She asked which team that was, so I pointed them out. Then, she proceeded to say she’s rooting for them too. Why? Well, maybe it was partly due to the fact that I was – but she told me it was because she liked their uniforms. It’s pretty cool witnessing the effects that the aesthetics of a uniform can have on people, especially old ladies.

1 comment:

Steve S. said...

I know what you mean about liking a team for their uniforms. That's largely how I became a Patriots fan living in St. Louis back in the mid 90s -- after they traded in their old uniforms for their current navy and silver modern look.