Thursday, November 1, 2007

Too much of a good thing is bad

Nielsen is right when he says too much multimedia and flash videos are bad. Not only can it be annoying, but it can also confuse the user, making it harder to reach his or her goal. One web site that uses just enough multimedia to attract the user and keep them interested is Because there are pictures and no moving or noisy videos, the site can get away with more. It is also good that the user has the option of clicking the link of the clip he or she wants to see, instead of having all of them going at once like some other sites. The homepage is attractive and eye catching without being busy and annoying for the user.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is bad but also I think it depends upon the situation. For gaming websites for example that is fine to have flahs but when it is a clothing or a department store I don't think it has the same effect.