Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Extreme Photoshop Makeovers

Perusing around YouTube, I was surprised to find so many videos of people using Photoshop to turn an ugly person into a beautiful person, or vice versa.


This was one of the better ones, although I think he could have made the woman even hotter if he had spent some more time and effort on it (juat kidding...kind of). The best part is that it's set to Joe Cocker's heartbreaking version of the song 'You Are So Beautiful'! How fitting!

Another video I stumbled across that I found interesting was about how widely Photoshop is used nowadays in magazines. The video poses an good question:

With Photoshop retouching, have we "created an unobtainable image of perfection that is widely accepted as the standard of beauty?"


You decide.


Bryan said...

I liked the fact that the artist stopped when he or she did. It made the final image seem more believable. But it was amazing to watch. I've never seen anything quite like it.


Steve S. said...

From the second video, I echo the sentiments of the woman who said that those who read the magazine do not comprehend that a photo is touched up. I do not think that is part of their thought process. We are becoming trained to think in this way. The majority of the public -- and thus the readers -- have not or are not.